Oral Sex Night is October 16th!
October 16th at 8 PM
AT HAPPY ENDING LOUNGE, 302 BROOME STREET, NYC (look for pink awning that says "health club")
(B/D to Grand, J/M/Z to Bowery, F to Delancey or F/V to 2nd Avenue, http://www.happyendinglounge.com)
Admission: Free
Happy Ending Lounge: 212-334-9676

Celebrate the joys of giving and receiving-—head, that is-—with the first Oral Sex Night at In The Flesh Reading Series, featuring readings from host Rachel Kramer Bussel’s latest anthologies, Tasting Him and Tasting Her. Readers including Tasting Him and Her contributors Tish Andersen, Heidi Champa, Emerald, Tsaurah Litzky, Michelle Robinson and Donna George Storey (author of erotic novel Amorous Woman) as well as Daniel Maurer (author of Brocabulary) and Fiona Zedde (author of Hungry for It and A Taste for Sin, among others), who will also read oral sex-themed work. Books will be available for sale and signing. Hosted and curated by Rachel Kramer Bussel. $3 Blow Job shot special drinks! Free candy and cupcakes will be served. For more information about Tasting Him and Tasting Her, visit http://tastinghim.wordpress.com and http://tastingher.wordpress.com.
Tish Andersen (a pseudonym for this shy erotica-lover) was born in the South but now lives north of the Mason-Dixon line: New York City’s East Village/Lower East Side, to be precise. She spends the bulk of her time reading, writing, editing, taking pictures and managing the subsequent—and dreaded—postproduction work. She’s most comfortable behind a lens, focusing on the fabulous freaky folks that surround her. A fan of all things naughty, Tish is a kinky voyeur and a shameless romantic.
Rachel Kramer Bussel’s most recent edited anthologies include Spanked: Red-Cheeked Erotica, Tasting Him, Tasting Her, Dirty Girls, Yes, Sir, Yes, Ma’am and Best Sex Writing 2008. She is Senior Editor at Penthouse Variations and wrote the popular Lusty Lady column for The Village Voice. Rachel has also written for AVN, Bust, Cosmopolitan, Gothamist, Mediabistro, Metro, New York Post, Punk Planet, San Francisco Chronicle, Time Out New York, Velvetpark and Zink. She also co-edits the cupcake blog Cupcakes Take the Cake.
Heidi Champa is a typical last-born child. Snarky, attention-seeking and rebellious, she chooses to write dirty stories to keep herself out of real trouble. Her work appears in the anthologies Tasting Him: Oral Sex Stories and Frenzy: 60 Stories of Sudden Sex. She has steamed up the pages of Bust Magazine and if you prefer your erotica in electronic form, she can be found online at Oysters and Chocolate and The Erotic Woman. In addition to her flare with the written word, she knows every last sentence of the movie Clue by heart. When she’s not writing, she can be found reading or filling her iPod with more music. She lives in Pennsylvania with her husband. Her greatest wish is that her sarcasm would translate better in the written form.
Emerald has been a writer since age seven, though her repertoire did not begin to include erotica until her early twenties. Her erotic fiction has been published in Tasting Her, Best Women's Erotica 2006, Erotika: Bedtime Stories, G Is for Games, and online in GV Weekly magazine. Currently she resides in suburban Maryland with her cat and serves as an activist for reproductive justice and sex workers’ rights.
Tsaurah Litzky's erotica has appeared in over sixty publications among them Best American Erotica eight times, Best New International Erotica 6&7, Sex For America, Politically Inspired, Dirty Girls, Wicked Women 7, The Blacklisted Journalist, Sex and Candy, Women-Period. She is also a poet and her book of erotic haiku, Crazy Lust, is now its third printing. Her erotic novella, The Motion Of The Ocean, was published by Simon & Schuster as part of Three The Hard Way, a series of erotic novellas edited by Susie Bright. Now entering it's eleventh year at the New School, Tsaurah's writing class, Silk Sheets: Writing Erotica was named Best Writing Class in NYC in the Village Voice 2004. She recently completed a book of erotic short stories titled End Of The World Sex, but Tsaurah believes sex is not the end but the beginning of everything. To read more of her dirty stories go to http://tsaurahlitzky.com

Daniel Maurer is a nightlife editor at New York Magazine, where he also co-edits the food blog Grub Street, winner of a James Beard Award, a MIN Award, and nominated for a National Magazine Award. He is the author of Brocabulary: A new Man-i-festo of Dude Talk. He has appeared on television (WNBC’s “Today in New York”) and in a New York Times feature. He was nominated as a New York “hottie” by Gawker, a blog to which he has also contributed (he coined the term “Douché,” which won the Gawker T-Shirt Contest). His freelance journalism has appeared in the New York Times, Nerve.com, Un Chin magazine, Modern Drunkard magazine, McSweeney’s, Shecky’s Nightlife Guide, and the Metro newspaper. Daniel’s alter ego “Mosca” (”The Fly”) has appeared in newspapers and on national television as a world-ranked competitive eater. His personal best is 24.5 soft-shell tacos in 12 minutes.
Michelle Robinson’s erotic short story “Mi Destino” is included in the New York Times bestseller Caramel Flava. Michelle is also a contributing author to the anthology collections Succulent: Chocolate Flava II with the story “The Quiet Room,” Asian Spice with the story “The Flow of Qi” and Missionary No More: Purple Panties 2 with the story “Hailey's Orgasmic Splendor.” She has recently completed work on four novels, Color Me Grey, Pleasure Principle, Serial Typical and You Created a Monster, and is currently working on the screenplay adaptation of “Mi Destino.” Michelle can be reached at robinson_201@hotmail.com as well as on www.myspace.com/justef.

Donna George Storey’s erotic fiction has appeared in many anthologies including Tasting Him, Tasting Her, Yes, Sir, Dirty Girls, She’s On Top, He’s On Top, Best American Erotica 2006, Mammoth Book of Best New Erotica 4-7, and Best Women’s Erotica 2005-2008. Her novel, Amorous Woman, the story of an American woman’s steamy love affair with Japan, was published by Orion in 2007. She currently writes a column “Cooking up a Storey,” about delicious sex, well-crafted food, and mind-blowing writing, for the Erotica Readers and Writers Association. Read more of her work at www.DonnaGeorgeStorey.com.

Fiona Zedde is a transplanted Jamaican currently living and working in Atlanta, Georgia. Her work has been published in various anthologies including Best Lesbian Erotica 2004 and 2007, Wicked: Sexy Tales of Legendary Lovers, and Best Lesbian Romance. She is also the author of four novels, the Lambda Literary Award finalists Bliss and Every Dark Desire, as well as A Taste of Sin and Hungry for It. Her novellas, "Pure Pleasure," "Going Wild" and the soon-to-be-published "Sweat" appear in the collections, Satisfy Me, Satisfy Me Again, and Satisfy Me Tonight, respectively. Readers and voyeurs can find out more at www.fionazedde.com.
You can watch the book trailer for Donna George Storey's Amorous Woman:
October 16th at 8 PM
AT HAPPY ENDING LOUNGE, 302 BROOME STREET, NYC (look for pink awning that says "health club")
(B/D to Grand, J/M/Z to Bowery, F to Delancey or F/V to 2nd Avenue, http://www.happyendinglounge.com)
Admission: Free
Happy Ending Lounge: 212-334-9676

Celebrate the joys of giving and receiving-—head, that is-—with the first Oral Sex Night at In The Flesh Reading Series, featuring readings from host Rachel Kramer Bussel’s latest anthologies, Tasting Him and Tasting Her. Readers including Tasting Him and Her contributors Tish Andersen, Heidi Champa, Emerald, Tsaurah Litzky, Michelle Robinson and Donna George Storey (author of erotic novel Amorous Woman) as well as Daniel Maurer (author of Brocabulary) and Fiona Zedde (author of Hungry for It and A Taste for Sin, among others), who will also read oral sex-themed work. Books will be available for sale and signing. Hosted and curated by Rachel Kramer Bussel. $3 Blow Job shot special drinks! Free candy and cupcakes will be served. For more information about Tasting Him and Tasting Her, visit http://tastinghim.wordpress.com and http://tastingher.wordpress.com.
Tish Andersen (a pseudonym for this shy erotica-lover) was born in the South but now lives north of the Mason-Dixon line: New York City’s East Village/Lower East Side, to be precise. She spends the bulk of her time reading, writing, editing, taking pictures and managing the subsequent—and dreaded—postproduction work. She’s most comfortable behind a lens, focusing on the fabulous freaky folks that surround her. A fan of all things naughty, Tish is a kinky voyeur and a shameless romantic.
Rachel Kramer Bussel’s most recent edited anthologies include Spanked: Red-Cheeked Erotica, Tasting Him, Tasting Her, Dirty Girls, Yes, Sir, Yes, Ma’am and Best Sex Writing 2008. She is Senior Editor at Penthouse Variations and wrote the popular Lusty Lady column for The Village Voice. Rachel has also written for AVN, Bust, Cosmopolitan, Gothamist, Mediabistro, Metro, New York Post, Punk Planet, San Francisco Chronicle, Time Out New York, Velvetpark and Zink. She also co-edits the cupcake blog Cupcakes Take the Cake.
Heidi Champa is a typical last-born child. Snarky, attention-seeking and rebellious, she chooses to write dirty stories to keep herself out of real trouble. Her work appears in the anthologies Tasting Him: Oral Sex Stories and Frenzy: 60 Stories of Sudden Sex. She has steamed up the pages of Bust Magazine and if you prefer your erotica in electronic form, she can be found online at Oysters and Chocolate and The Erotic Woman. In addition to her flare with the written word, she knows every last sentence of the movie Clue by heart. When she’s not writing, she can be found reading or filling her iPod with more music. She lives in Pennsylvania with her husband. Her greatest wish is that her sarcasm would translate better in the written form.
Emerald has been a writer since age seven, though her repertoire did not begin to include erotica until her early twenties. Her erotic fiction has been published in Tasting Her, Best Women's Erotica 2006, Erotika: Bedtime Stories, G Is for Games, and online in GV Weekly magazine. Currently she resides in suburban Maryland with her cat and serves as an activist for reproductive justice and sex workers’ rights.
Tsaurah Litzky's erotica has appeared in over sixty publications among them Best American Erotica eight times, Best New International Erotica 6&7, Sex For America, Politically Inspired, Dirty Girls, Wicked Women 7, The Blacklisted Journalist, Sex and Candy, Women-Period. She is also a poet and her book of erotic haiku, Crazy Lust, is now its third printing. Her erotic novella, The Motion Of The Ocean, was published by Simon & Schuster as part of Three The Hard Way, a series of erotic novellas edited by Susie Bright. Now entering it's eleventh year at the New School, Tsaurah's writing class, Silk Sheets: Writing Erotica was named Best Writing Class in NYC in the Village Voice 2004. She recently completed a book of erotic short stories titled End Of The World Sex, but Tsaurah believes sex is not the end but the beginning of everything. To read more of her dirty stories go to http://tsaurahlitzky.com

Daniel Maurer is a nightlife editor at New York Magazine, where he also co-edits the food blog Grub Street, winner of a James Beard Award, a MIN Award, and nominated for a National Magazine Award. He is the author of Brocabulary: A new Man-i-festo of Dude Talk. He has appeared on television (WNBC’s “Today in New York”) and in a New York Times feature. He was nominated as a New York “hottie” by Gawker, a blog to which he has also contributed (he coined the term “Douché,” which won the Gawker T-Shirt Contest). His freelance journalism has appeared in the New York Times, Nerve.com, Un Chin magazine, Modern Drunkard magazine, McSweeney’s, Shecky’s Nightlife Guide, and the Metro newspaper. Daniel’s alter ego “Mosca” (”The Fly”) has appeared in newspapers and on national television as a world-ranked competitive eater. His personal best is 24.5 soft-shell tacos in 12 minutes.
Michelle Robinson’s erotic short story “Mi Destino” is included in the New York Times bestseller Caramel Flava. Michelle is also a contributing author to the anthology collections Succulent: Chocolate Flava II with the story “The Quiet Room,” Asian Spice with the story “The Flow of Qi” and Missionary No More: Purple Panties 2 with the story “Hailey's Orgasmic Splendor.” She has recently completed work on four novels, Color Me Grey, Pleasure Principle, Serial Typical and You Created a Monster, and is currently working on the screenplay adaptation of “Mi Destino.” Michelle can be reached at robinson_201@hotmail.com as well as on www.myspace.com/justef.

Donna George Storey’s erotic fiction has appeared in many anthologies including Tasting Him, Tasting Her, Yes, Sir, Dirty Girls, She’s On Top, He’s On Top, Best American Erotica 2006, Mammoth Book of Best New Erotica 4-7, and Best Women’s Erotica 2005-2008. Her novel, Amorous Woman, the story of an American woman’s steamy love affair with Japan, was published by Orion in 2007. She currently writes a column “Cooking up a Storey,” about delicious sex, well-crafted food, and mind-blowing writing, for the Erotica Readers and Writers Association. Read more of her work at www.DonnaGeorgeStorey.com.

Fiona Zedde is a transplanted Jamaican currently living and working in Atlanta, Georgia. Her work has been published in various anthologies including Best Lesbian Erotica 2004 and 2007, Wicked: Sexy Tales of Legendary Lovers, and Best Lesbian Romance. She is also the author of four novels, the Lambda Literary Award finalists Bliss and Every Dark Desire, as well as A Taste of Sin and Hungry for It. Her novellas, "Pure Pleasure," "Going Wild" and the soon-to-be-published "Sweat" appear in the collections, Satisfy Me, Satisfy Me Again, and Satisfy Me Tonight, respectively. Readers and voyeurs can find out more at www.fionazedde.com.
You can watch the book trailer for Donna George Storey's Amorous Woman:
Labels: Daniel Maurer, Donna George Storey, Emerald, erotica, Fiona Zedde, Heidi Champa, lineup, Michelle Robinson, oral sex, Tasting Her, Tasting Him, Tsaurah Litzky
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